Prof. Rupert Read- View Episode
Prof. Rupert Read teaches Philosophy at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, working alongside some of the world’s leading climate scientists. He is also an author, a climate campaigner, and a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion.
Rev. Beth Love- View Episode
Rev. Beth Love is the founder of Eat for the Earth, a social movement that makes it easier for people to eat more plants and less animal products to sustain all life on Earth.
Melanie Joy, PhD- View Episode
Dr. Joy is the world’s leading expert on the psychology of eating anaimals and the psychology of veganism.
Jeremy Lent- View Episode
Mr. Lent is an author and the founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering a worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on the earth. Mr. Lent integrates systems science with ancient wisdom and traditions.
Gideon Eshel, PhD- View Episode
Dr. Eshel’s research has shown that by switching to a plant-based diet this change would eliminate about 80 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture in the United States.
William Ripple, PhD- View Episode
Dr. Ripple is the director of the Alliance of World Scientists, and the lead author on the 2019 paper “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” which declares need for immediate and giant changes for planet Earth, has been endorsed by more than 13,000 scientists from 156 countries.
Sailesh Rao, PhD- View Episode
Dr. Rao is the founder and executive director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. Dr. Rao is a Human, Earth and Animal Liberation (HEAL) activist and believes that in addition to ethical reasons, correcting climate change is of sheer ecological necessity.
Keegan Kuhn, Producer- View Episode
Keegan Kuhn is the award-winning co-director of the highly acclaimed documentary films Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret. No one summarizes the trouble we are in as a result of animal agriculture better than Mr. Kuhn.
J. Morris Hicks, Engineer- View Episode
Mr. Hicks is always focused on the “big picture” when analyzing the “optimal diet” for humans by envisioning how we might totally re-invent the way we live on this planet, such that we can co-exist indefinitely in a virtual paradise with nature.
Gerard Bisshop, PhD- View Episode
Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop was a principal scientist with the Queensland Government, Australia. He left the government in 2010 to co-author the Beyond Zero Emissions’ Land Use Plan. The world is on fire everywhere that pasture meats agriculture. Nearly 70% of wildlife is gone. Meat is the biggest threat to Earth – protein pollution.
Brenda Davis, RD- View Episode
Ms. Davis was lead dietitian in a diabetes research project in Majuro, Marshall Islands. She tells the story of the tragic loss of lives due to rising seas and hotter temperatures from climate change. Culture shifts toward the Western diet have caused escalating epidemics of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes among the islanders. Ms. Davis is an author, and past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association.
John McDougall, MD- View Episode
Dr. McDougall provides scientific research proving diet is the common denominator for mitigating the negative impacts of chronic diseases, climate changes, and now the COVID-19 pandemic. Each in its own right is threatening the lives of every human being on the planet. The vast majority of Earth’s inhabitants want a viable future for their children; they just don’t know how to attain this elusive, but precious, goal. Dr. McDougall explains how and why a traditional diet based on starches (corn, potatoes, rice, and wheat) is the last card we have to play to save our home.
Topics & Schedule
- John McDougall, MD: Welcome & Introduction
- Prof. Ruper Read: Why Veganism and Anti-waste Freeganism Are Vital for Reducing Ecological Harm
- Rev. Beth Love: We Know What Is Happening and We Know What Needs to Be Done
- Melanie Joy, PhD: Why People Resist Becoming Vegan — And What We Can Do to Change This
- Gideon Eshel, PhD: The Environmental Argument for Plant-Based Diets
- William Ripple, PhD: The Effects of Human Carnivory on Climate Change
- Sailesh Rao, PhD: COVID-19: Birthing the Chrysalis Phase for Humanity
- Keegan Kuhn, Producer: Uncovering the Cowspiracy
- J. Morris Hicks, Engineer: Donkeys & Spaceships. A quick look at crucial “systems” that shape our lives and our future.
- Gerard Bisshop, PhD: Appetite for Destruction
- Brenda Davis, RD: Red Alert Triple Threat! The Story of the Marshall Islands
- John McDougall, MD: Diet is the Common Denominator for Climate Change, Chronic Diseases, and COVID-19
About the series
The McDougall Foundation brings you our first of many online discussions on climate change and our future. Planet Earth can still be saved, but only by substantial changes in the foods we choose. Cleaner energy and transportation are vital, but not enough to reverse the devastation that has already transpired since our enlightenment almost 50 years ago. This means we must accelerate the global trend to eat fewer cows, pigs, chickens and fish; and more of the corn, rice and potato meals we love. Over half of the greenhouse gases are generated by agriculture, with the guilty finger pointed purposely at animal agriculture. Most encouraging is science revealing the enormous impact that this seemingly minor act will yield: There can be an 80% reduction in this source of pollution overnight by changing to a vegan diet, as taught by the McDougall Program.